Ella’s Journey

‘Every day activities have become easier and I feel that my knee is stronger. I’ve also toned up and my body shape has changed’

Thinking back, what was the problem you needed to solve when you contacted Craig?

I had two problems when I initially contacted Craig. I wanted to improve the strength in my knee after an injury and, in doing so, lose weight and see an improvement in my fitness.

What do you feel you’ve achieved during your time working with Craig?

Although I haven’t gained the strength back fully in my knee, I’ve definitely noticed a difference since working with Craig.

Every day activities have become easier and I feel that my knee is stronger. I’ve noticed a difference in my capabilities and I’m able to push myself.

I’ve also toned up and my body shape has changed.

What’s different in your life today compared to before you started working with Craig?

Before I started working with Craig, I had a very unhealthy diet and little knowledge about nutrition. I’m proud of the changes I’ve made to my diet since working with Craig. He has educated me on how my diet can balance with my fitness.

I didn’t do any exercise at all before, but now, although my injury has limited me to certain exercises, I’ve been a regular at the gym for 7 months.

If you had to pick one thing, what would be your highlight so far? Which thing are you most pleased about?

I’m most pleased about fitting into a size 10 pair of shorts!

Due to my injury, I’ve found it very hard to lose weight and slim down, but with Craig’s help and support, I’ve seen a difference.

How has Craig helped you solve your problem? What do you particularly like about his approach and delivery?

My goals are the same as when I started working with Craig and I hope to accomplish these.

What are your health and fitness goals from this point onwards? Are they any different to before you started working with Craig?

My goals are the same as when I started working with Craig and I hope to accomplish these.

If someone were to ask you your thoughts about working with Craig, what would you say?

I’ve really enjoyed working with Craig and find his advice very inspiring.

I feel better after I’ve had a session with Craig and I’m motivated to continue with my journey.