Jennifer’s Journey

‘I have improved my mental health through exercise’

Thinking back, what was the problem you needed to solve when you contacted Craig?

I suffered with anxiety and poor body image.

What do you feel you’ve achieved during your time working with Craig?

I have become stronger and my confidence in the gym has increased.

What’s different in your life today compared to before you started working with Craig?

I have improved my mental health through exercise and I have developed an understanding of which exercise in the gym works the best for me.

I use weights now with confidence, something I would never have done before I met Craig.

If you had to pick one thing, what would be your highlight so far? Which thing are you most pleased about?

The progress I can see myself making in the gym, I am lifting weights I would never have imagined being able to use when I first started with Craig.

How has Craig helped you solve your problem? What do you particularly like about his approach and delivery?

I would like to continue to lose weight and continue my gym workouts that have been so beneficial for my mental health.

What are your health and fitness goals from this point onwards? Are they any different to before you started working with Craig?

I would like to continue to lose weight and continue my gym workouts that have been so beneficial for my mental health.

If someone were to ask you your thoughts about working with Craig, what would you say?

I would recommend Craig to anyone wanting to improve their physical or mental wellbeing.

I have already introduced a friend to Craig and will continue to do so!